Makayla is a Hebrew-origin name meaning "who resembles God?" It is a popular choice for baby girls, with alternative spellings such as McKayla, Mackayla, and Mikayla. In 2021, Makayla was the 355th most popular girls name, with 868 babies named Makayla. The name traces back to the Bible as the female form of Michael, the archangel. Makayla is seen as a name representing a strong, beautiful, and divine woman. With various iterations and spellings, Makayla remains a popular choice for daughters. On social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, Makayla is a well-known name among influencers and music artists. Makayla Samountry, Makayla Did, and Makayla Phillips are some examples of individuals using the name to showcase their content and talents. Whether it's fitness, music, or daily life vlogs, Makayla's name resonates as a versatile and memorable choice.
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